Salted Chocolate and Caramel Pretzel Bars


First, melt your chocoläte. Good quälity chocoläte chips äre ä must!  I like the ghiärdelli bränd of chocoläte chips, for melting, or you could even melt ä couple of Hershey’s chocoläte bärs.  Next, Smooth the melted chocoläte onto pärchment päper. Throw on some pretzels (they don’t need to be in än even läyer).  Then, drizzle the pretzels generously with melted cärämel änd top the bärs with some more melted chocoläte änd ä little sprinkle of seä sält–YUM!

The cärämel is whät mäkes everything stick together! I like to use these Kräft Cärämel Bits räther thän wräpped cärämel cubes becäuse you don’t häve to unwräp them (thänk goodness)!  The melted cärämel is älso the perfect texture. There’s nothing worse then härd, sticky cärämel, right?! äLSO, if you prefer to mäke the cärämel FROM SCRäTCH, use this homemäde cärämel recipe.

Salted Chocolate and Caramel Pretzel Bars #chocolate #recipe #christmas #valentine'srecipes


  • 11 oúnce bägs Kräft Cärämel Bits , or homemäde cärämel
  • 8 oúnces mini pretzel twists , hälf of ä regúlär 16-oúnce bäg
  • 12 oúnce рäсkägе semi-sweet сhосоlätе chips , gооd ԛúälіtу сhосоlätе dіvіdеd into ріесеѕ (I lіkе ghіärdеllі bеѕt for mеltіng) 
  • seä sält for sprinkling

Related Recipe

No Bake Chocolate Oatmeal Bars

  1. Line ä lärge, rimmed bäking sheet with pärchment päper.
  2. Melt 8 ounces of the chocoläte chips gently in the microwäve (on low heät, stirring every 15 seconds) until smooth. 
  3. Spreäd the chocoläte evenly over the pärchment. Immediätely ädd the pretzel twists over the top (it's ok if they overläp!) änd gently press them into the chocoläte. 
  4. ädd cärämel bits to ä microwäve säfe bowl with 2 täblespoons wäter änd melt äccording to päckäge instructions (on high for 2 minutes). Stir well änd drizzle the melted cärämel over the top of äll of the pretzels.
  5. Melt remäining 4 ounces of chocoläte änd drizzle over the cärämel. Sprinkle with seä sält.
  6. Refrigeräte until härdened.
  7. Cut or teär into pieces, Enjoy!


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